Prayer Times Penge Mosque


    Jummah Salah

    Penge Mosque & Islamic Centre

    First Jummah Salah: 12.15pm
    Second Jummah Salah: 1.15pm

    We are open for the 5 daily prayers & Friday Jummah prayers (x2).
    Jazakallah Khairan

    We are also having Jummah Salah at:

    The South East London Islamic and Cultural Centre

    Preston House, Clevedon Road, SE20 7QE.
    (opposite Topps Tiles, car park entrance).

    First Jummah Salah: 12.30pm
    Second Jummah Salah: 1.00pm (Ramadan only)
    (Maximum capacity 140-150).

    Beckenham Public Hall

    4 Bromley Rd, Beckenham BR3 5JE.
    Azan: 12.35pm
    Kuthbah: 12.45pm
    Jummah Salah: 1.00pm

    Jummah Salah for brothers and sisters

    For further imformation please contact brother Mukhit on 07885 829 870

Fitra Collection 2025
Qiyam Al Layl
Ramadan day 27 2025

Hadith of the Week


The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

"The children of Adam are all profuse wrongdoers, but the best of profuse wrongdoers are those who repent."

Tirmidhi, Bukhari, Muslim

Guidelines on the day of Jummah

Of the many blessings and gifts of Allah ﷺ is the bounty of special seasons and places, during which and where the rewards of good deeds are multiplied to such extents known only to Allah ﷺ. One such moment is the day of Friday, a day greater in virtue than the 'Idayn (two days of 'Id). Keeping this in mind, mentioned below are a few guidelines that this humble one desires all of his associates to practice, in order to gain maximum benefit from this day:

Send salaat and salaam upon the Noble Prophet ﷺ in abundance.

On the day of Friday, recite Surah AI-Kahf (Surah 18, Juz 15). The virtue being that such a person will be saved from the trial of Dajjal.

Offer Salah-at-Tasbih. It’s method can be learnt from books such as Fada'il-e-mal.

10-15 minutes before the Maghrib azan, engage yourself in duah.

On the night preceding the day of Friday (Thursday night), recite Surah Ad-Dukhan (Surah 44, Juz 25). The virtue of its recitation is that a palace is built in Jannah for the reciter.

Proceed to the masjid early for the Jumu'ah Salah. The earlier one reaches the masjid, the more reward has been promised in the ahadith.

Spend the time between 'Asr and Maghrib salah in the masjid, with the intention of nafl i'tikaf.

On the day of Friday, try to carry out as many good deeds as possible, be they sunnah, nafl or mustahabb .

Totally abstain from all sinful and futile acts. Anything which is neither beneficial in this world nor in the Hereafter should be totally abstained from, not only on the day of Friday, but rather every day.

Monthly Salah TimeTable

Check and download our monthly salah Times for the South London area! Please refer to your local masjid timetable for the correct times for your area.

Madrassa Information

Madrassa has re-started. Holidays, timings and important announcements will be available on this website soon. Please re-visit this site shortly.

5 Pillars of Islam

  • (1) Belief in Allah (God), the one and only God
  • (2) Pray 5 times a day facing the Kaaba in Mecca (Fajr, Dhur, Asr, Maghrib, Isha)
  • (3) Pay Zakat (charity) 2.5% of savings
  • (4) Fasting (fasting sunrise to sunset) on the 9th month of the Islamic year
  • (5) Hajj, pilgrimage to Mecca a least once in a lifetime

“Alhamdulillaahil-ladhee anzala ‘alaa ‘abdihil-kitaaba…”
Allah, subhaanahu wa ta’aala, praises himself for revealing his mighty book to his noble messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam),
which is the greatest blessing that Allah has granted the people of this earth.

Through the Qur’aan, He brings them out of darkness into light.
“..wa lam yajallaahu ‘iwajaa. Qayyiman..”
He has made it a Book that is straight, neither distorted nor is there confusion therein.
It clearly guides to the Straight Path, plain and manifest, giving a warning to the disbelievers and good news to the believers.

“Whoever recites Surah al-Kahf on the day (or eve/night) of Jumu’ah, it will illuminate him with light (guidance) from one Friday to the next.” [Irwaa’ 626]
“Whoever memorises ten Aayaat from the beginning of Surat al-Kahf will be protected from the Dajjaal.” [Muslim]

Purpose of Life and the Prophets

In Islam everyone is born pure without sin (and as a muslim). God has given each soul a conscience (the knowledge of what is right and wrong), and free will.

The prophet Mohammed is known to have said,
Righteousness is composed of good behavior. And sin is what you don't want people to know, despite the fact that it eats away at your heart (Muslim, Birr 14-15)

This short transitory life is then simply a test within ourselves to recognise and praise God, and outweigh our righteous actions over our bad. Thus proving worthy on the on the Day of Judgement in front of Almighty God. To ultimately gain entry to paradise to live forever in bliss.

To reinforce this and show the clear way to worship God, prophets were sent as a guide to the right path.
"Say: We believe in Allah (God) and that which is revealed to us, and in what was revealed to Abraham, Ishma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, to Moses and Jesus and the other prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Allah we have surrendered ourselves." (Qur'an, 2:136)

"It is not devotion to turn your faces towards the East or the West. Rather, true devotion is believing in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the prophets. (Quran 2:177)

In addition: "Anyone who rejects Allah and His angels and His Messengers and the Last Day has gone very far astray." (Quran 4:136) Mohammed (P.B.U.H), was the last of the prophets, who reaffirmed the same message, removing any distortions that may have crept in over time.

Present day Sources of Guidance

As no more prophets are to come God has left two sources of guidance:

a) The holy Quran, the final testament.
A summation of all the holy books of the past. The literal word of Allah, which Allah has promised to keep unchanged. This challenge by the Almighty is witnessed by the oldest Qurans being exactly the same as the newly printed ones 1400 years later. One billion muslims around the globe read the same one Quran.

b) The Hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet).
The prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) was the living interpretation of the Quran, his every action and saying was a mirror reflection of the Quran with the guidance of Allah(swt). So for muslims, and non-muslims, the study of the Quran and Hadiths is of utmost importance. Preferebly with the aid of an Islamic scholar as a guide to gain a deeper understanding.